Working from home? No problems! Our tips to creating a productive work space in your home
We’ve all dreamed at one point or another about the idea of working from home. Waking up, staying in our pj’s all day, no makeup, no hair products, no shower…
But is it all it’s cracked up to be? With the lure of the couch and the TV in the very same space, are you starting to question how much you’ll achieve in a day?
Here are our tips and tricks to making sure you can ‘work from home’ comfortably and effectively.
Set your hours and stick to them. Don’t overwork yourself, from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep, with work. Have a lunch break, coffee break, what you normally would do. You take these breaks at the office, do the same when working from home.
Sticking to normal hours will also make the transition back to the office a little easier.
Set the vibe. Play some music in the background or wear headphones. It’s amazing how quiet it can be at home during the day and how aware you become of what’s going on outside.
Stay in contact with those you work with. Not only for work purposes, but it’s just nice to chat to another human being throughout the day.