Saying goodbye to rentals: Jordan and Ian’s story

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A place to call your own, that’s what #homesweethomebuyers Jordan and Ian were looking for when they decided to say goodbye to renting.


Starting to look at how you can get into your own can be a scary thing, so we’re not shocked to hear that Jordan and Ian did some shopping around when it came time for them to say goodbye to their rental and start looking at a home of their own.

“For us we didn’t want to rent to begin with. You want to pay your way to your own home instead of paying off someone else’s mortgage”, Jordan said.  After deciding they wanted to get into their own as soon as possible, the mission started to find the right builder began.

After meeting with their New Homes Consultant, Ian said that they both valued the transparency they received from the team about what it would take to see their dream come to life.

Fast forward six months (and a bit of hard saving), Jordan and Ian’s home was ready to enter construction! When reminiscing about their entire building journey Ian said it was “painless”.

Jordan said, “The construction process was quick and easy, especially seeing the houses around ours taking ages to go up. We know we went with the right builder.”

The pair both said at the time it felt like a lifetime until they would get their keys, but now looking back on their #homesweethomebuyers journey, the time flew by.

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We asked Jordan and Ian to take us back to the day that they got the keys to their new home and describe to us what it felt like to finally have a place to call their own.

“I just cried, I couldn’t believe that it was ours”, Jordan said. They couldn’t wait to start making their house a home, they moved in the very next day.

Ian said it took them both about 10 days to finally come back to reality and realise that this was their home and they were no longer in someone else’s dated home.

Now that they have a place to call their own, it’s the simple things like not having to ask permission to start painting walls or hanging pictures are what they’re looking forward to most.

For Ian, the best thing about their new home for him is the feeling of freedom that he has when it comes to making choices about their new home. Whether it’s the backyard or decking out his gaming set up in their theatre (his favourite place in the house), he said “it relaxes you to a degree that you cannot explain, it’s just amazing”.

Now, nearly two years into living in their new home, Jordan and Ian don’t regret a thing about making the decision to get into their own home. In fact, they’re looking to build their second Homebuyers Centre home in the very near future. They’re stoked with their first home together and know that they chose the right builder who could help bring their new home dream to life, the way that they had envisioned it.

Make sure to check out their full #homesweethomebuyers story in the video above. Don’t forget, our team of New Homes Consultants are here to help bring your dream of homeownership to life. 

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